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Nauplius collection and water recycling procedures are described as follows; Diagram of a coarse sponge filter fitted to an air lift for removal of suspended debris from a culture vessel Schematic diagram of a L copepod culture system. Nauplius collection and water exchange procedures are described as follows; A tray cut from clear acrylic tubing used for counting copepod nauplii under a stereo microscope Introduction Human fishing has made serious impact on the wild populations of many species of fish and in many parts of the world aquaculture is seen as an alternative way of producing fish in commercial quantities.

Although some species of fish can be cultivated with relatively straightforward procedures, others require particular conditions or specific foods which present a challenge to the aquaculture industry. Many marine fish release very large numbers of small eggs which hatch into small larvae with very low survival prospects in their natural environment. To replace the parent fish, only a small fraction of one percent of the reproductive output of a female fish must survive.

Early death is the normal occurrence, coming to the fish as they are taken by a range of predators or as they fail to find appropriate food. Most of the attrition occurs at the critical stage after yolk reserves are depleted and the fish need to take food from their environment. It is well known that for many species of fish live food is essential at the critical stage of first feeding. In the sea, the potential food items most likely to be encountered by fish larvae are the nauplius stages of calanoid copepods.

For many older fish, adult copepods are very important diet items. Copepods have probably been important in the diet of many marine fish during their evolution and effective predation strategies have evolved for their capture. Some fish may have developed a partial dependence on copepods. With aquaculture it is possible to reduce the high mortality of early larval fish both by timely provision of adequate and appropriate food and by removing the risk from predators.

Marine calanoid copepods that feed primarily on phytoplankton have the biochemical composition of their diet reflected in their body tissues and storage compounds. Hence, fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are essential in the diet of marine fish larvae and other vertebrates , can be provided in nature through a food chain leading from phytoplankton through herbivorous copepods to fish.

Herbivorous calanoid copepods are particularly suitable as food for fish. Different approaches are made for the supply of copepods for fish larviculture. In areas with productive waters, plankton, including copepods, can be collected from the wild. This material may be used directly as food or may be transferred to ponds with enriched water to allow populations to develop to high densities for later collection.

Difficulties may be encountered in the reliability of wild collection. Natural communities of zooplankton fluctuate in abundance, species composition, nutritional state and health, and animals may carry parasites or other diseases. Intensive cultivation of copepods for use as food for larval fish may be an attractive alternative to wild capture if it can be cost effective. For cultivation to be successful, the quality, quantity and timing of the product must be reliable and must be tuned to the requirements of the larval fish which are to be fed.

This manual has been produced to provide practical information regarding the production and use of a copepod for aquaculture in marine and estuarine waters of temperate and subtropical Australia. The group is very diverse, with more than 10, different species in many different ecological niches. Copepods occur in most bodies of marine and fresh water, including inland saline lakes and estuaries. Some even occur in water trapped in the soil. Many are parasitic, others swim freely as part of the plankton while others are benthic bottom dwelling or live on or around other organisms.

Other copepods live in the spaces between sediment particles. Few free-living copepods exceed two millimetres in length as adults although some ecologically important copepods in cold marine water reach 10mm. Three major groups of free living copepods are identified; the Calanoida, mainly free swimming planktonic animals, the Cyclopoida, which may be planktonic or demersal and the Harpacticoida, which are almost entirely benthic. Copepods pass through very distinct life history stages.

They emerge from the egg as a nauplius, usually m in length. After six nauplius stages referred to as stages N1 to N6 , with growth between each stage, the body shape changes and a series of usually six copepodid stages follow referred to as stages C1 to C6.

The last of these is the adult in which the separate sexes can be identified. Reproduction is sexual. In parts of the sea the nauplius larvae of calanoid copepods are the most abundant metazoan animal. Copepods are ecologically important. Planktonic calanoids in the sea are significant grazers of phytoplankton, converting primary production algae into secondary production animal tissue and faecal debris. The rate at which grazing copepods feed, grow, reproduce and produce faeces depends on the abundance and quality of the algae on which they feed.

When the species of algae available are highly nutritious and abundant the rate of growth and the production of faeces is maximised Figure 4. At lower levels of food availability growth may be equally high and feeding efficiency much higher with less of the surplus food going to faeces.

Copepods contribute to the biological activity of microbes in the water. They damage algal cells as they feed, causing cell debris and cell contents to leak into the water.

This, along with the faeces, is a resource for bacteria, protists and other small detritus feeders. Through their excretion, copepods return soluble nutrients to the water and make those nutrients available for uptake by algae. Copepods are of great importance in many marine ecosystems and are a major food source for many fish and other animals in the sea.

Benthic bottom dwelling harpacticoid copepods are probably important components of the diet of many small bottom feeding fish. Planktonic free-swimming calanoid copepods are certainly important for many pelagic fish, especially during early stages of the fishes growth. Nutritional content All calanoid copepods are not of equal value in the diet of fishes. Larval fish require particular long chain highly unsaturated fatty acids HUFAs in their diet to ensure normal development of their nervous system.

These HUFAs are not synthesised by animals but are produced by some species of phytoplankton. Well fed copepods which feed primarily by grazing on phytoplankton are likely to have stores of HUFAs and therefore to be beneficial in the diet of fish. Those copepods which feed by scavenging on detritus or by predating on ciliates and rotifers have a larger proportion of fatty acids in their stores which have been synthesised by bacteria rather than phytoplankton.

These are less valuable in the diet of fishes. Calanoid copepods vary in the total amount of energy stored as lipid in their body. Cold water copepods from high latitudes e. Calanus sp. During the spring, phytoplankton is abundant and these animals store large reserves of lipid which they later use in reproduction. Calanoid copepods from coastal waters e. Acartia sp which are more continually productive, tend to breed more opportunistically, converting food energy to reproduction without a lot of intermediate energy storage.

For most of these animals, females release a few embryos at a time. For some calanoids, especially those which occur in the turbid waters of estuaries e. Fertilised eggs are then held as a clutch, external to the body of the female, as the embryos develop Figure 5. If copepods which store high levels of lipid and which carry embryos in a clutch have suitable phytoplankton in their diet, their value as a food item for fish can be great.

A healthy population of these copepods will include adult females with fresh algal food in their gut, lipids in storage, eggs developing in the reproductive tract and a clutch of embryos attached Figure 6.

Studies have shown these animals to be preferentially selected by feeding fish. In nature, especially in turbid estuarine water, the diet of these grazing copepods may not always provide for optimal copepod growth rate, lipid store, reproduction or gut content. This is not so in a laboratory, where the quantity and quality of algal food can be controlled, along with such other conditions as temperature, salinity, water quality and photoperiod. Copepod culture Continuous cultivation of marine copepods has been achieved relatively recently, but only for a small number of species see Further Reading.

Easiest to cultivate are the harpacticoid copepods, especially Tisbe spp. These can be grown at high densities but being benthic, with benthic nauplii which tend to avoid the light, the use of these animals in fish larviculture is most effective for those fish which feed primarily from bottom sediments.

Some marine calanoid copepods have been maintained in cultivation and have been used as food in larviculture. Various species of Acartia have been maintained in intensive cultivation and in extensive pond cultures. However, most of the free swimming calanoid marine copepods do not respond well to being kept in high population densities.

Figure 7 provides a summary of the differences between some copepods which have been cultivated for use in fish larviculture. The following sections describe aspects of the biology of a calanoid copepod which occurs naturally in the estuaries of South West Western Australia.

Gladioferens imparipes, can be maintained in cultivation, will survive at artificially high population densities and produces free swimming nauplii which are taken as food by pelagic fish larvae. Figure 2. Photomicrographs showing adult Gladioferens imparipes; a male with asymmetrical first antennae, b female with symmetrical first antennae, c female with a clutch of embryos.

Figure 3. Photomicrographs showing, a adult female of the harpacticoid copepod, Tisbe sp, b adult female with a clutch of embryos. Figure 4. Diagrammatic representation of the energy as carbon movements associated with the life activities of a copepod data from various sources.

Figure 5. Diagrammatic representations of different reproductive strategies in copepods with regard to maternal protection of eggs. Figure 6. A calanoid copepod, Gladioferens imparipes. Australia Adult female with internal eggs, external embryos, large lipid store and phytoplankton food in the gut.

Length - m. A calanoid copepod, Eurytemora affinis, Northern hemisphere. Adult female with internal eggs, external embryos, large lipid store and phytoplankton food in the gut.

Calanoid copepods, genus Acartia Adult female with a few internal eggs, small lipid store. Phytoplankton food in the gut. These sink and hatch after some hours. Free swimming nauplius stage, with lipid droplets and food in the gut. Acartia grow well in sea water. Adults are omnivorous and may eat some of their own nauplii in crowded conditions.

An harpacticoid copepod, Tisbe, from coastal marine water Adult female with external embryos, small lipid store. Food in the gut. Adults are mainly benthic, feeding on sediments. Free moving benthic nauplius stage, strongly photo negative. Length 90 - m. Biology of Gladioferens imparipes This section describes aspects of the biology of G.

It is provided as background to help the non-specialist reader to understand the animal. Although the copepods can be seen with the naked eye, any reference to their appearance assumes that a microscope is used. A dissecting stereoscopic microscope 7x - 40x allows observations of whole animals and is used to locate and manipulate animals.

A compound microscope 40x - x is necessary for close observation of anatomy. Males are identified by the geniculate jointed left first antenna, which gives them an asymmetry. Females have symmetrical first antennae and may carry clutches of embryos. Other differences between the sexes are less obvious but differences in the structure of the fifth pair of legs are important. Mating occurs as a male locates a female and grasps her with his geniculate first antenna.

He then uses his fifth pair of legs to hold the female in a very precise way while he extrudes a spermatophore from his body cavity Figure 8 and attaches it close to the genital opening on her urosome.

Sperm from the spermatophore enter the reproductive tract of the female and fertilisation of her eggs is achieved. Life history and development Fertilised eggs are held in a sac against the urosome of the female. When first released the eggs appear dark brown. As embryos develop the colour and shade lightens until the mature embryos appear light brown with a dark eye spot just visible in each.

Nauplius larvae emerge from the egg sac and swim freely. Newly released nauplii have up to four or five small lipid droplets regularly arranged in their body cavity Figure 9.

The first nauplius stage N1 is very brief hours before the animals metamorphose to N2, then with progressive growth to N6. Following N6, the first copepodid stage C1 occurs Figure 9. By this stage the overall body form has changed from the pear shape of the nauplius to the general form of the adult with conspicuous first antennae and a distinct division between the prosome and the urosome.

As the animal develops through stages C1 to C6, the number of pairs of swimming legs increases from one to five and the total size increases. Between each developmental stage the animals shed the previous exoskeleton. By the stage C5 the geniculate antennae of males can just be detected but by C6 adult this feature is conspicuous. The prosome length of females is slightly larger than that of males. When the final C6 or adult stage is reached, no further moulting occurs.

Development time is temperature dependent. At 25C, embryo and nauplius stages are completed in 4 - 5 days and full maturity embryo - adult in a total of 10 - 12 days. Behaviour of G. Nauplii swim continually and are attracted to directional light.

Copepodid stages are progressively less attracted to light and by stage C4 start to hold to substrates described below. Mature animals attach to substrates for lengths of time varying between seconds and minutes.

For copepodids and adults the length of the prosome is the most convenient descriptor of size. Adult G. As for other invertebrate animals, growth rate is depressed at the low end of the tolerable temperature range but the final body size of adults is larger for those grown in cooler than those grown in warmer water. Feeding Appendages on the anterior part of the prosome, on the ventral side, are used in food collection. When the animals feed the second antennae sweep backwards and forwards very rapidly to generate a current of water which flows through combs of fine setae on the first and second maxilla.

These remove potential food particles from the water. Food is then transferred to the mouth. In animals that have been actively feeding, the gut appears coloured by the ingested food. Faecal pellets can usually be seen in the lower gut of well-fed animals. Each pellet is contained within a membrane of chitin, which is secreted by the animal.

This causes the pellets to retain their shape after they are released. Lipid stores If G. In newly released nauplii, four or five lipid droplets usually occur. These are spherical, similar in size and symmetrically arranged Figure 9. In copepodid and adult animals, lipid stores form as one or more unstructured globules, or pools, of various sizes that appear to be loose within the body cavity, usually within the prosome but sometimes in the legs.

Lipid stores can be made conspicuous by staining with Sudan IV Figure 10, see Appendix 1 for methods. Extensive stores of lipid allow G. This is probably an advantage to an animal living normally in estuaries where microalgal productivity is irregular.

It makes for convenience in laboratory maintenance because animals can be left without food for periods up to 2 weeks longer at low temperature if high production is not required. As food for predators, an adult G. The food value is even greater if the copepod is an adult female carrying a large clutch of embryos and having well developed eggs in the reproductive tract Figure 6.

Locomotion G. A smooth, gliding, swimming motion is achieved by the force produced as the second antennae beat at high frequency. This movement achieves both feeding and swimming. More rapid movement through the water occurs as the animals row with the five pairs of legs, resulting in a brief moments of jerky movement through many body lengths. Late copepodid and adult animals attach to firm substrates. While attached, the animals may be inactive or they may generate feeding currents with their second antennae.

Attached animals are not dislodged by gentle water currents and may remain in one position for many minutes before they detach themselves and either swim or relocate elsewhere.

When food is abundant, healthy animals remain attached for extended periods of time. When food is sparse, more time is spent moving in the water column, apparently searching for food. The exact mechanism by which G. It probably involves contact between the tips of many sensillae and irregularities in the substrate surface.

Slight flexure of the prosome may result in a sideways force at the tip of the sensillae providing some grip on the surface. Ecology of Gladioferens in estuaries The genus Gladioferens is represented by five species which occur in inland coastal waters of Australia and New Zealand; G.

Of these, G. Populations are influenced by the patterns of productivity, by the hydrological regime and by the ecological relationships that occur in each estuary. Most of these estuaries are dominated by a seasonal hydrological regime in which fluvial flow follows winter rain.

During the flow regime phytoplankton production and zooplankton activity are both low. With reduction or cessation of fluvial flow at the end of winter those estuaries which are not cut off from the sea by a sand bar are influenced by small scale tidal movement and saline water gradually intrudes into the estuary as a horizontal and vertical salt wedge.

Under these conditions phytoplankton productivity is stimulated and G. In some estuaries an ecological succession occurs following the recovery of saline conditions each year. The predator species, Sulcanus conflictus and Acartiura sp. In the Swan estuary, where the distribution patterns have been most closely studied, at the end of summer G.

Further downstream G. Although G. The distribution pattern described above is a simple summary. In any year the pattern is affected by variations in hydrological regime, productivity and algal blooms. The estuarine habitat has selected for tolerance of changing and possibly stressful conditions. Adult animals can store energy in large lipid reserves and persist without additional food. Embryos are protected by being carried until free swimming nauplii are hatched and survival rates of juveniles are maximised by parental investment of food reserves in the embryo.

Rapid development to maturity and repeated reproduction provide for a high intrinsic rate of population growth that enables rapid exploitation of available resources. These various attributes of G. Figure 8. Figure 9. Gladioferens imparipes in laboratory cultivation Natural selection in the estuarine environment has resulted in G.

The section below describes some aspects of G. Physical tolerances Salinity Tolerance of a wide range of salinity and tolerance of sudden salinity change are not essential for effective cultivation because salinity can easily be controlled. However, this tolerance is convenient. By routinely keeping copepod cultures at 27 ppt.

If cultures become contaminated by unwanted invaders, e. Temperature Although G. At lower temperature growth and egg production rate decreases and at higher temperature water quality in cultures is difficult to maintain. Animals can be maintained within the recommended temperature range and then used at higher temperature. Dissolved oxygen Adult G. At salinities of Even low aeration in intensive copepod cultures prevents DO from falling below these stressful levels.

Loss of intensive G. Water quality Water quality is a major issue whenever aquatic animals are kept in a confined volume. Animal excretory products and decomposition products from unused food and faeces result in rising levels of dissolved organic compounds and nitrogenous wastes. When fish or other macro fauna are kept, water quality can be maintained by frequent exchange or by a high rate of flow-through.

When micro fauna are kept e. Maintaining high flow through fine screens is not compatible with dense cultures of copepods. For most copepod cultures, water remains as a batch volume for extended periods.

In these circumstances some water quality deterioration is inevitable. Precise tolerance of G. Rates of water exchange described in later sections allow for high production of nauplii for feeding to larval fish. However, as for the majority of aquatic animal maintained in culture, health of copepods will decrease gradually as the concentration of nitrogenous and other waste products increase.

Thus, higher rates of water exchange will improve water quality and result in higher rates of nauplius production. Food requirements G. In the natural habitat food particles probably include micro-algae and organic debris. In cultivation many species of salt water micro-algae are an adequate diet for animal survival, although not all allow for maximum growth and reproduction rates of the copepods.

If copepods are to be used as food in fish production their biochemical composition must include those compounds which are essential in fish nutrition, especially the essential unsaturated fatty acids HUFA. With small particle feeding herbivorous copepods, the composition of the body lipids reflects that of the algae on which they have been feeding.

Isochrysis galbana T-Iso , Chaetoceros muelleri, Pavlova sp. Rhodomonas sp. Heterocapsa sp. Of these, TIso and Pavlova sp. Faecal waste When food is available G. With abundant food, pellet production may be up to 3 pellets. Decomposition of faecal pellets by bacteria and other micro-organisms releases dissolved organic matter and soluble material especially nitrogenous products into the water and compromises water Most of each individual faecal pellet decomposes within 3 days.

It is important to achieve a balance between providing adequate food for animal production and excess food that is converted to faecal debris and soluble wastes. Embryo clutch retention In different species of calanoid copepods the females either broadcast fertilised eggs into the water column e.

Acartia, Labidocera, Centropages spp. Gladioferens, Eurytemora, Diaptomus spp. In the natural habitat, different risks and benefits are probably associated with each of these strategies. Eggs from broadcast spawners will normally settle with faecal and exoskeleton debris on the bottom of culture vessels. These eggs risk predation during the incubation period by any non target benthic fauna which may have invaded the culture.

Unless debris can be left to accumulate for the duration of the incubation period, eggs will be removed with the debris during cleaning operations. Either way, some eggs will be lost or must be kept for hatching in a separate culture container. For G. Eggs and nauplii are at no risk of being smothered by sedimented debris, and debris can be removed from the bottom of containers with no loss of unhatched embryos and only minimum loss of nauplii.

Cannibalism by adult copepods. Some species of calanoid copepods have feeding mechanisms allowing collection of a wide size range of food particles. Food for these omnivorous copepods e. Acartia spp , may include micro-algae, ciliates or small organisms such as copepod nauplii. With these copepods, cannibalism of free eggs or nauplii may occur in crowded conditions.

Where these copepods are kept in cultivation, losses to cannibalism must be accepted or provision must be made to maximise the proportion of eggs that hatch separately from the adults. Nauplius response to light. The nauplii of G. In the natural environment, nauplii stay in the photic zone of the water column by day.

In artificial conditions they have a strong behavioural response towards directional light. In intensive cultivation G. This results in nauplii being evenly distributed through the water and avoids them continually using metabolic energy by swimming towards a light source and congregating in one section of the container. The positive response to light can be exploited in the collection of nauplii.

A light positioned in the water of a culture, behind a m screen will attract nauplii but exclude later life history stages. Nauplii can then be ducted from the zone in which they congregated to a separate container. Free swimming nauplii which move towards the surface of containers which are illuminated from above are visible to pelagic fish larvae and therefore vulnerable to being taken as food.

Nauplii of harpacticoid copepods e. These nauplii tend to swim to the bottom of culture vessels where they feed amongst settled detritus. In this location, they are not readily available as food for pelagic fish larvae that most often feed in the open water. Holding behaviour The behaviour of late copepodid and adult stage G. With a large proportion of the population holding to the sides of the container and only swimming occasionally, minimum damage to fragile appendages is caused by contact between individuals.

Holding behaviour may also contribute to efficient conversion of food energy to growth. While animals hold to the sides of the container energy is not being expended in continual swimming. As attached animals resist the gentle water currents rather than swimming within the currents their body surfaces are effectively ventilated and suspended food particles are brought within reach for collection with less energy expenditure.

Gas exchange may also be more efficient with the animals remaining stationary against a moving current of water. In large volume copepod culture, internal surface areas should be increased by the addition of synthetic substrate, such as plastic mesh. Exoskeletons and ecdysis During development G. The moults contribute, with faecal pellets, to the load of debris in a culture. Because the nauplius and copepodid life history stages each last only a few days at most there is little opportunity for invasive organisms to foul the exoskeletons and cause harmful infestations.

Once the adult stage is reached there is no further moulting. If an adult animal lives for weeks in a culture with accumulated debris and low water quality it is at risk of becoming infected by micro-organisms growing on the exoskeleton Figure Maintaining cultures in darkness minimises the risk of infection from surface growing algae but other infections can occur.

It is best to terminate old cultures containing invasive microorganisms and establish new cultures using nauplii or early copepodids. Animals attach to firm surfaces where the sensillae make contact. Figure Feeding currents continue while animals are attached. Photomicrographs showing the exoskeleton of adult copepods with infestations of ciliates; a apostome ciliates, b stalked peritrichous cilliates, c severe infestation of stalked ciliates that have accumulated debris.

Culturing unicellular algae Reliable supply of algae must be arranged before copepod cultures can be established. As mentioned previously, algal species recommended for culturing G. T-Iso is the preferred choice. Alternatively, algae may also be obtained from local aquaculture facilities. Recent advances in the preparation of algal concentrates may reduce the need for continuous supply of fresh algal if the concentrate proves to be of acceptable quality.

This section is intended only as a guide to culturing algae for the purpose of maintaining copepod cultures. There are some excellent publications that discuss the topic in much more detail and these are included in the Further Reading section. Culture volumes and vessels The quantity of algae needed to maintain copepod cultures depends on the level of copepod production required. If algal cultures are lower than this, greater volumes are required.

The table below indicates the volume of algal culture required to supply copepod cultures of different volumes. Volume of copepod culture 0. Glass conical flasks are ideal but expensive for volumes of algal culture up to 5 L.

A much cheaper option are clear softdrink PET bottles, which are very effective. Standard glass vessels are generally not suitable.

Larger culture volumes can be grown in any food-grade quality translucent plastic containers, such as those used for bulk filtered water eg Aquavital. White cylindrical drums are also suitable, although they require strong lighting to achieve good algal growth.

Clear plastic bags, supported in cylinders of steel mesh, can also be used. Bags are generally used once only. Good hygiene is essential for successful culturing of algae. Vessels can be cleaned by swirling a clean wet kitchen scourer inside and by vigorous hosing.

Avoid harsh scratching of the inside of plastic vessels with the scourer. After mechanical cleaning flasks should be soaked with a solution of cleansing agent or bleach. Household soap or detergent must not be used. Persistent scale deposits can be shifted with a brief soak in Store vessels dry with a lid to exclude dust.

Aeration tubing must also be kept very clean, using the above techniques. Culture media Algae differ in their requirements.

Some species are very robust and can be grown with fertilisers thar are formulated for horticulture eg Aquasol. Others have very specific requirements and are difficult to maintain.

For many species, a chemically defined medium developed by Guillard provides for strong growth. The most important requirements are that the chemicals end up in the correct proportions and that cleanliness is maintained at all stages of the process. The procedure that is described in Appendix 2 has been used very effectively to maintain algae in culture volumes ranging from ml - 20 l.

The procedures have been simplified, where possible, to keep labour to a minimum. The size of the algal culture vessel will determine the concentration of the nutrients in the frozen aliquot. The quantities should be adjusted if larger algal cultures or more than 50 aliquots are needed. Weighing of chemicals and preparing the concentrated nutrient solution can be completed in one session, providing nutrients for an extended period of time.

Storing prepared medium in a frozen state minimises the chance of fungi or bacteria causing contamination because each frozen aliquot remains sealed until it is used.

Preparation of culture water Seawater can be collected from any convenient clean coastal place. Calm clear water is best. Water with a high load of particulate matter should be avoided, as should polluted locations. All containers for carrying or storing seawater must be clean. It is best to use dedicated containers as you can be sure that they have not been used to store harmful chemicals.

Collected seawater should be stored in darkness for at least 10 days before being used for algal culture. Synthetic seawater, available as commercially packaged salts, This may be useful if seawater is not readily available. Aluminium foil is effective as a cover.

Seawater should not be boiled as this will alter the chemistry. Small volumes can be heated in a microwave oven. Some literature suggests autoclaving but this is only needed for specialised work with very sensitive species of algae. If water is heated twice, at 24 hour intervals, it will definitely be clean enough for general algal culture. In areas with strong sunlight, glass or PET plastic containers of seawater in direct sunlight will receive UV light and radiant heat.

After sterilisation it is best to allow water to cool slowly by standing for at least 24 hours. This will allow some CO2 to diffuse from the atmosphere into the water.

For this technique, bleach sodium hypochlorite is use to kill all life in the culture water. Sodium thiosulphate is then used to deactivate the remaining bleach. To sterilise algal culture water, add liquid pool chlorine at the rate of 1. It is best to place the culture water in the culture vessel and then add the aeration tubing so that both are sterilised along with the water.

Cover the vessel and leave for 24 hours without aeration. After 24 hours, add the thiosulphate solution at the same rate ie 1.

Culture procedure Each species of algae must be kept as a small volume e. Under these conditions the algae will grow slowly and will last at least one month before it is necessary to sub culture them.

These 1 cultures are only to be opened under very clean conditions to inoculate a new 1 culture which, in turn, will not be opened until it is time for the next sub culture. Old 1 cultures can be used as the inoculum for starting larger cultures. A 4 L culture A smaller inoculum will take longer to produce a dense culture. Thus to establish a 50 L algal culture, it is necessary to grow in sequence cultures of approximately ml, 1 L, 10 L and 50 L in volume, using each culture to inoculate the next.

Culture conditions Aeration Algae require CO2 to photosynthesise and grow. Cultures larger than ml must be aerated to provide movement and uptake of CO2 if maximum growth is required. Air for algal cultures can be supplied by any standard diaphragm-type air pump. Air should be passed through a cotton wool filter to minimise the entry of dust particles into cultures. Black capillary poly-pipe 0.

If glass tubes are used they should be suspended just above the bottom of flasks, or a short length of silicone tubing should be put on the tip to prevent the glass tube from scratching the flask.

Use of airstones, particularly those that produce fine bubbles, are not recommended as they will produce foam on the surface of the culture.

This foam will trap algal cells. Lighting Most marine algae grow well with light from cool white or plant light fluorescent tubes. Metal halide lights are also suitable. Natural sunlight can be used very effectively to grow algae, although care must be taken not to over-heat the cultures.

Quartz halogen and standard tungsten lights are NOT suitable. Lights should be placed to the side or above cultures and ventilated sufficiently to avoid cultures being overheated. The intensity of light received by a culture depends on the number of fluorescent tubes, the distance of the tubes from the culture, the transparency of the culture vessel and the cell concentration in the culture. High density cultures can be achieved in 20L vessels with 6 fluorescent tubes illuminating one side of the vessel.

Larger cultures are best grown using either multiple fluorescent tubes, metal halide lamps or sunlight. Lighting can be continuous or intermittent, with 16 hours light: 8 hours darkness. It is best to keep 1 cultures at lower temperatures to reduce growth and minimise maintenance. Use of cultures When an algal culture is at high cell density it can be used to feed animals.

If the entire volume is not used on one day, the remainder can be used later. When removing algae from cultures, take care not to contaminate the remainder. Pour algae from small containers into a clean jug rather than directly into copepod cultures to avoid the risk of copepod water splashing up into the algal culture.

For large algal cultures, use a clean siphon or pump. Generally, it is not recommended that cultures be topped up with new medium. However, on a day by day practical level, topping up a culture may be successful for a short time. If cultures are dense, all of the nutrients have been taken up from the medium and the top-up water must contain enough nutrients for the entire volume.

For example, if a 2 L dense culture is to be increased to 4 L, add sufficient nutrients for a 4 L culture. If sediment has accumulated, the culture should not be topped up. It is time for a new culture in clean glassware. Trouble shooting Most problems with algal culture can be traced to errors in preparing the culture medium or to lapses of hygiene. If the balance of nutrients is incorrect, one essential chemical may be depleted. The algal cells may continue to photosynthsise but may be unable to undergo cell division.

Under these conditions energy rich compounds leak from the cells and the culture medium becomes an ideal environment for bacteria. A smelly bacteria culture replaces the algae. Always double check the quantities and calculations when preparing chemicals for culture media Unless conditions are very clean, which is rarely possible in a busy working environment, it is difficult to completely prevent cultures from occasionally becoming contaminated.

This is why working cultures should not be repeatedly topped up. The chances of contamination increase each time the culture is opened and, especially with air being blown in, the longer a culture lasts the longer a population of unwanted organisms has to grow.

Cultures should be used, the residues discarded and the culture. Maximum care must be taken with the 1 cultures so that they do not become contaminated. Culture procedures for Gladioferens imparipes Procedures used to maintain G. Descriptions are given below of small scale culture procedures using static batches of water, larger scale procedures in which water is used, reconditioned and then reused, and for situations in which clean sea water is readily available, a large scale flowthrough system.

Source of copepods G. Static cultures of different volumes G. Maintenance procedures for cultures of different volume are described below. For all culture volumes, animals may be kept in any salinity within the range 5 - 35ppt.

Temperatures within the range 15 - 25C are acceptable and should be chosen according to the rate of growth that is required. Many species of marine unicellular algae e.

T-Iso and Pavlova are recommended. Culture vessels Plastic containers manufactured for single use food packaging are effective. From new, these can be washed and reused but are cheap enough to discard. Contents of clear or translucent round ml containers can be examined with a conventional stereo microscope by using transmitted light from beneath the subject. Adults at this density will remain alive and, if fed, continue breeding and eventually become stressed through crowding.

Slower culture growth, better hygiene and therefore less maintenance, can be achieved by reverse filtration of culture water through a - m screen to remove small nauplii into a new or clean container but leave adults and copepodids behind Figure Water from the second container is then reverse filtered to waste through a 50m screen, leaving the nauplii in a small volume of water. Clean water and food is then added to the nauplii.

Aeration Small cultures remain healthy without aeration of the water. Very gentle aeration from a capillary tube just breaking the water surface will prevent a surface skin of organic material. Aeration will increase evaporation, thus vigorous water movement from aerators should be avoided.

Water renewal At a stocking density up to 1 adult. If biological activity has resulted in an obvious surface skin of organic material, this can be removed by stretching a folded paper tissue across the surface of the water from one side of the container to the other and drawing it across the surface.

This skims the accumulated material from the surface. Temperature control Fluctuation in temperature can be minimised by suspending containers in a water bath. For small round containers, holes cut in a floating sheet of styrofoam will hold the containers securely in position Figure An immersion heater in the water bath can be used to control temperature above ambient. In this case, the water should be stirred using a pump or airstone so that a layer of heated water does not form at the surface and overheat the animals.

The water level within the animal containers should be slightly higher than that of the heated waterbath. This causes gentle stirring of the water in the animal containers as the surface loses heat to the atmosphere and convection currents are established.

Food The frequency and quality of food will control the population growth rate. For minimum maintenance at low temperature, weekly feeding is adequate. Maximum growth can be achieved with daily feeding. Cultured algae should be added as food until water is just discernibly coloured. For T-Iso and Pavlova , this gives a cell concentration of 12xcells. To determine whether adequate food is being provided, see Assessing copepod cultures. Bottom, reverse filtration through a 50 m screen to reduce the water volume and concentrate nauplii.

Bottom, cross section diagram showing an arrangement of ml bowls supported on a styrofoam sheet in a water bath with an immersion heater. Arrows show the direction of water movement. Very healthy cultures are obtained by growing a single cohort of nauplii together to maturity.

After these animals reproduce, cohorts of nauplii can be removed regularly. Unless nauplius removal is efficient a mixed age culture will result. Culture vessels Successful cultures can be kept in high quality plastic containers with the proportions of buckets or drums. Opaque black containers with loose fitting lids are effective. Commercially produced containers of capacity 10L, 30L and 60L have been used successfully.

Some plastic bags of high quality can be used to line culture vessels. Some high grade white rubbish bin liners are acceptable for larger volumes. Lining vessels with disposable plastic reduces the labour of cleaning vessels between cultures. Nauplius production is likely to be less at lower and at higher adult stock density. Aeration A vertical stand pipe with air injected via a capillary will move water and cause oxygenation.

Figure 16 shows a standpipe with a vertical slit directing air lifted water to cause a rotational current in the container. A single air lift is adequate for cultures up to 60L. Less frequent water renewal may reduce production but animals will survive, especially if stock density is low. Water quality will be improved if faecal debris is removed with a siphon every days. Some copepods will be removed in this process.

If the water and debris that was removed is allowed to stand for a few hours, debris will settle and most of the copepods can be poured back into the culture. Nauplii can be collected from the culture vessel at the same time as removing dirty water. By reverse siphoning through a submerged m screen Figure 14 , water containing nauplii only can be collected.

Nauplii can then be concentrated using the method illustrated in Figure By turning the aeration off and shining a light onto the surface of the culture water for 10 mins, most of the.

Sub culture For optimum culture health it is best to work with animals of known age which have grown together from a single cohort of nauplii.

Cultures should be recommenced with clean containers at least monthly and preferably after two weeks. Any culture containing animals which have been adult for four weeks or more will have debris from dead copepods.

New cultures should be inoculated with a cohort of nauplii collected from the previous culture. Temperature control Temperature above ambient can be maintained with thermostatically controlled immersion heaters as used in aquaria. Prolonged temperature above 25C should be avoided by the use of air conditioning.

Food Food rations of unicellular algae can be quantified by cell counts using a compound microscope. The amount of food required depends on the copepod biomass present in each culture. This higher feed rate is maintained during the adult life of the copepods while nauplii are being produced.

However, this higher feed rate can be varied daily in response to subjective assessment of water clarity in copepod culture vessels prior to the addition of food see Assessing copepod cultures.

Feed rates can be increased further if a very high density of adult copepods is present. However, in this case decreasing water quality will necessitate more frequent water exchanges. Exact feed rates are not essential. Operators will quickly learn to estimate the cell density of algal cultures from their apparent colour and the amount of algae required by copepod cultures from subjective assessment of copepod biomass and pre-feeding water clarity.

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Plankton culture manual download.Plankton Culture Manual


Prepared by R. Foreword Keeping animals in intensive cultivation has many benefits for humans. In some cases the benefits are obvious; if animals provide food or labour or companionship but in other cases, especially for small obscure creatures with no direct plankton culture manual download appeal, the benefits of cultivation are less planktin. In the case of small aquatic crustaceans which can barely be seen and have no common name, the time, effort and expense involved in developing techniques for cultivation may require some explanation.

Breeding of marine fish for food or recreation is a large industry and since growth in the world catch of wild ocean fish is unlikely, effective techniques in aquaculture will become more and more important.

Although some marine fish will breed and grow quite readily plankton culture manual download captivity, others are more problematic.

One of the major difficulties in breeding these fish is the supply of suitable food for the larvae. In nature, many marine fish depend on copepods when they commence feeding, but few species of marine copepod have been successfully cultivated on a scale that is suitable for use in aquaculture. Plankton culture manual download manual describes procedures that have been developed by the authors for intensive production of the calanoid copepod Gladioferens imparipes.

The plankton culture manual download were developed during extensive studies of the biology and ecology of the animal, both in the laboratory and in the natural environment. The procedures are based on a thorough understanding of the life requirements of the animal and a practical understanding of the realities of the cost of equipment, space and labour.

Procedures are described for different scales of production, ranging from low-level maintenance of plankton culture manual download few animals in small volumes of water, through production units of different volume up to 5, litres and with different levels of automation in the procedures.

Copepod cultivation may make an important contribution in aquaculture but this is not the only area in which the animals may be useful. A reliable supply of healthy copepods at known ages and life stages can be valuable for manuak in a variety of fields. Studies of ecological processes in marine and estuarine environments can be made using copepods as model animals involved in the movement of downllad, of plankton culture manual download chemicals and of nutrients. Copepods may be used as model animals on which to measure the effects of environmental stressors plankton culture manual download be used as food in research which focuses on marine or estuarine animals which require live prey.

The potential benefits to aquaculture were a major motivating force in recent cultuee of the procedures for cultivating G. It must also be said that much of the early work arose from attempts to understand the place of the animal in the functioning ecosystems of estuaries in south west Western Australia.

We hope that this manual of procedures will be of use to people involved in a wide range of work. This includes aquaculturists, applied researchers, curiosity motivated researchers, educators wanting to give their cilture experience with live animals and home aquarists wanting to provide an interesting diet /24895.txt their ornamental fish.

The bulk of this work was conducted at Curtin University culgure Technology on the premises of the Department of Environmental Biology. The assistance and interest of staff and students alike at this school is gratefully acknowledged. In particular, we would like to thank both technicians who where directly involved with the project, John Corbett and Diane Webb. Studies on large-scale copepod cultures were conducted at the Aquaculture Development Unit in Fremantle, Western Australia.

For this, we would particularly like to thank Greg Jenkins and Ken Frankish for their generous co-operation. Table of Contents Foreword Staining lipids Sources of copepods Establishing a L copepod culture PLC components List of Figures Figure 1. Diagram of the main anatomical features of an adult calanoid copepod Photomicrographs showing adult Gladioferens imparipes; a male with asymmetrical first antennae, b female with symmetrical first antennae, c female with a clutch of embryos Photomicrographs showing, a adult female of the harpacticoid copepod, Tisbe sp, b plankton culture manual download female with a clutch of embryos Diagrammatic representation of the energy as carbon movements associated with the life activities of a copepod data from various sources Diagrammatic representations of different reproductive strategies in copepods with regard to maternal protection of eggs Diagrammatic representations of a calanoid copepod e.

Comparison of some different copepods grown in culture Photomicrographs showing aspects of reproduction and development in G. Photomicrographs showing developmental stages of G.

Photomicrograph vownload adult G. Diagram showing how hair sensillae on the dorsal surface of the prosome of G. Plankton culture manual download currents continue while animals are attached Photomicrographs showing the exoskeleton of adult copepods with infestations plankton culture manual download ciliates; a apostome ciliates, b stalked peritrichous cilliates, c severe infestation of stalked ciliates that have accumulated debris Top, reverse filtration through a screen - m to remove nauplii and leave adult copepods.

Bottom, reverse filtration through a 50 m screen to reduce the water volume and concentrate nauplii Top, 10 mm styrofoam sheet plankton culture manual download holes to support ml bowls in a water bath. Bottom, cross section diagram showing an arrangement of ml bowls supported on a styrofoam sheet in a water bath dowwnload an immersion heater Vertical stand pipe providing for water circulation by air lift. Arrows show the direction of water movement Figure 17 previous page.

Schematic diagram of the automated L copepod culture system. Nauplius collection and water recycling procedures are described as follows; Diagram of a coarse sponge filter fitted to an air lift plankton culture manual download на этой странице of suspended debris from a culture vessel Schematic diagram of a L copepod culture system. Nauplius collection and water exchange procedures are described as follows; A tray cut from clear acrylic tubing used for counting copepod nauplii under a stereo microscope Plankton culture manual download Human fishing has made serious impact on the wild cklture of many species of fish and in many parts of the world aquaculture is seen as an alternative way of producing fish in commercial quantities.

Although some species of fish can be cultivated with relatively straightforward procedures, others require particular conditions or specific foods which present a challenge to the aquaculture industry. Many marine fish release very large numbers of small eggs which hatch into small larvae with very low survival prospects in their natural environment.

To replace the parent fish, only a small fraction of one percent of the reproductive output of a female fish must survive. Early death is the normal occurrence, coming to the fish as they are taken by a range of predators plankton culture manual download as they fail to find appropriate food.

Most of the attrition occurs at the critical stage after yolk reserves are depleted and the fish need to take food from culhure environment. It is well known that for many species of fish live food is essential at the critical stage of first feeding.

In the sea, the potential food items most likely to be encountered by fish larvae are the nauplius stages of calanoid copepods. For many older fish, adult copepods are very important diet items. Copepods have probably been important in the diet of many marine fish during their evolution and effective predation strategies have evolved for their capture.

Some fish may have developed a partial dependence on copepods. With aquaculture it is possible to reduce the high mortality of early larval fish both plankton culture manual download timely provision of adequate and appropriate food and by removing the risk from predators.

Marine calanoid copepods that feed primarily on phytoplankton have the biochemical composition of their diet reflected in their body tissues and storage compounds. Hence, fatty acids such as EPA and DHA, which are essential in the diet of marine fish larvae and other vertebratescan be provided in nature through a food chain leading from phytoplankton through herbivorous copepods to fish.

Herbivorous calanoid copepods are particularly suitable as food for fish. Different approaches are made for the plankton culture manual download of copepods for fish larviculture. Culturw areas with productive downloadd, plankton, including copepods, odwnload be collected from the wild. This material may be used directly as food or may be transferred to ponds with pankton water to allow populations to develop /799.txt high densities for later collection.

Difficulties may be encountered in the reliability of wild collection. Natural communities of zooplankton fluctuate in abundance, species composition, nutritional state and health, and animals may carry parasites or other diseases.

Intensive cultivation of copepods for use as food for larval manual ferara may be an attractive alternative to wild capture if it can be cost effective. For cultivation to be successful, the quality, quantity and timing of the product must be reliable and must be tuned to the requirements of the larval fish which are to be fed.

This manual has been produced to provide practical information regarding the production and use of a copepod for aquaculture in marine and estuarine waters of temperate and subtropical Australia.

The group is very diverse, with more than 10, будем motorola l3208a manual прост species in many different ecological niches. Copepods occur in most bodies of marine and fresh water, including inland saline lakes and estuaries. Some even occur in water trapped in the soil. Many are parasitic, others swim freely as part of the plankton while others are benthic bottom game 2 powerplay or plankton culture manual download on or around other organisms.

Other copepods live downnload the spaces between sediment particles. Volvo manual free-living copepods exceed two millimetres in length as adults although some ecologically important copepods in cold больше на странице water reach 10mm.

Three major groups of free living copepods are identified; the Calanoida, mainly free swimming planktonic animals, the Cyclopoida, which may be planktonic or demersal and the Harpacticoida, which are almost entirely benthic. Copepods pass through very distinct life history stages. They emerge from the egg as a nauplius, приведенная ссылка m in length.

After six nauplius stages referred /7609.txt as stages N1 to N6with growth between each stage, the plankton culture manual download shape changes and culrure series of usually six copepodid stages follow referred to as stages C1 to C6.

The last of these is the adult in which the separate sexes can be identified. Reproduction is sexual. In parts of the sea the nauplius larvae of calanoid copepods are the most abundant metazoan animal. Copepods are ecologically important. Planktonic calanoids in the sea are significant grazers of phytoplankton, converting primary production algae into secondary plankton culture manual download animal tissue and faecal debris.

The rate at which grazing copepods feed, grow, reproduce and produce faeces depends cultrue the abundance and quality of the algae on which they feed. When the species of algae available are highly nutritious and abundant the rate of growth and the production of faeces is maximised Figure download manual update avira. At lower levels of food availability growth may be equally high and feeding efficiency much higher with less of the surplus food going to faeces. Copepods contribute to the biological activity dowlnoad microbes in the water.


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